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International Law Cases

We live in a world of instant communications, fast international commerce, and shared legal problems across borders.   Knowledge of foreign laws, international treaties and  conventions, is an advantage that only lawyers with experience and education in international law can provide to clients.

Call Me: 323 815 9450

International law has been my passion since the first year of law school. That is why I went to law School in 2 different countries. (USA & Mexico). 

 I have a  Masters in Law Degree in Comparative Law studies with particular focus in USA and Mexico Law systems. It’s so exciting to be able to help  clients who need a lawyer that provides legal services from different legal system’s perspectives.

Successful results in  cases under international law

Some clients are referred to my office by Different Governmental Entities. For example, the consulates or embassies from Mexico and The United States may provide generally a list of attorneys with substantial experience in international law or foreign law to help people with problems involving foreign law or international law.

Registered Attorney on the list of Attorneys by US Consulates


Specifically, in cases involving International Child Abductions for example, I represent parents under the  the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.  The Hague Convention is a Treaty with its own legal rules and procedures.  The Knowledge and experience of such particular law and procedures is required to be able to  handle a case under Hague successfully.

As a registered attorney for the Hague Convention Attorney Network by the US Department State, I have been honored to legally  represent several clients – left behind  parents-  successfully for the last 15 years.  I represent clients under hague convention in Mexico Courts and USA courts. I am thankful for the opportunity of  helping families to become reunited again in spite of international borders.

I provide ProBono and low cost representation

Thanks to government programs by Consulates, and  non profit organizations,  I  am proud to  be  able to help people in need of an international  lawyer  in these type of cases, at a low cost or no cost at all. To know if you qualify for any reduced fee services select the bottom below that represents better your case to learn more.